
Donald Joseph Qualls also known as DJ Qualls in America is an American actor and producer. He shot to fame after his performance in Road Trip. Since then, he has appeared on 20 features such as The New Guy Hustle & Flow or The Core. In addition to his work as a character in the film, he's played in 22 different TV series such as Breaking Bad Supernatural Srubs Lost Law & Order and many more. Qualls was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma at age 14 and has been fighting this disease since. After two years of treatment his cancer went into remission. But the treatment at such an early age left severe impact on his body and thwarted the development of his body. The financial security was his first objective once he began since he'd experienced hardship throughout his entire childhood. When he was interviewed, he stated that if I don't have financial stability or I have a feeling of being out of touch with the world I will be unhappy. He also reminisces about his youth to inspire him. The cruelty he experiences breaks his heart. The perfect DJ role is that of a real father. DJ admits that directors don't want to cast him in these characters. Someday he would love to be a father himself and be able to spend more time to his work and more to his child.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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